Enlarged heart

Enlarged heart

What is an enlarged heart? An enlarged heart, a condition called cardiomegaly, is an increase in the size of the heart. It is not a disease per se, but rather a sign that another health problem is affecting your heart. Certain conditions, such as pregnancy, increase the workload of the heart. Other disorders can thicken […]

Salmonella infection

Salmonella infection

What is salmonellosis? Salmonellosis is a disease that occurs due to an infection by gram negative enterobacteriaceae of the genus Salmonella. In fact, most Salmonella exist in the gut of vertebrate animals and are most often transmitted to humans through contaminated food. In human pathology, salmonellosis includes two main types of disease: Gastroenteritis  Typhoid and […]

Hodgkin lymphoma

Hodgkin lymphoma

What is Hodgkin lymphoma? Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is distinctively either mononucleated or multinucleated. Hodgkin cells have a mononucleate form and Reed-Sternberg cells have a multinucleate form. Occurring most frequently in young adults (15-30 years old), these two cells types are interspersed with non-neoplastic inflammatory cells. HL is a rare one-of-a-kind monoclonal lymphoid neoplasm malignancy with […]

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an infertility leading cause. In fact, it is the most common hormonal disease in women of childbearing age. It can cause fertility and hair disorders (hirsutism), as well as metabolic complications (diabetes). Up to date, there is no specific treatment. But ongoing research could be a game-changer by improving the […]

Alien hand syndrome

Alien hand syndrome

What is alien hand syndrome? Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a very rare neurological disorder where you lose control over your hand. In other words, your hand moves independently and do things your mind didn’t plan for. When a person has this medical condition, his/her hand will act as though it’s under an alien force […]

Narcotic bowel syndrome

narcotic bowel syndrome

What is narcotic bowel syndrome? Narcotic bowel syndrome or opioid bowel dysfunction presents itself as worsening abdominal pain which could be chronic or recurrent. In fact, this pain is the result of opioid therapy, it aggravates by prolonged and increasing narcotics dosage. To illustrate, an important number of adults experience long-lasting pain, resulting in bad […]



Acne results from oily skin and the appearance of pimples on the face, upper back and chest. More embarrassing than serious, acne (sometimes called “acne vulgaris”) is typically a skin disease of adolescents that can have significant psychological repercussions. In 90% of cases, it disappears spontaneously between the ages of 20 and 25. However, when […]

5500 new viruses in the ocean

5500 new viruses in the ocean

Who said the ocean only harbors only treasure? In a major finding, at least 5500 new viruses in the ocean worldwide were discovered by researchers. In fact, these new viruses are very diverse so they need more classifications than the ones we already have. To identify the new viruses that contains RNA as a genetic […]

Ovarian cancer

Ovarian websites

As the name suggests, ovarian cancer is the cancer of the ovaries. Notably, many ovarian cancers begin at the extreme end of the fallopian tubes, which is contrary to the view that the disease starts only on the ovaries.  A small percentage of women’s cancers are ovarian, but it ranks eighth in the list of […]

Bad breath

Bad breath

The medical term of bad breath is halitosis. In fact, any unpleasant odor exhaled into the air is referred to as “halitosis”, whether its coming from the mouth or not. Anyone suffering from bad breath can feel uncomfortable and have a bad quality of life. Without doubt, it can cause embarrassment and anxiety all the […]