

What is a migraine? Worldwide, a migraine is a prevalent neurological condition casing uncomfortable headache that affects individuals and society alike. In fact, migraines affect 15% of people in the united states leading to a detrimental effect on their quality of life and their ability to carry out work, family, and social activities. To clarify, migraine causes severe pain on one side of the […]

Umbilical cord blood cures a woman from HIV

umbilical cord blood

The third person in the world ever got cured from HIV recently. This opens a new horizon for both science and the patients no matter the race. Now that the cure is more available than stem cell transplant cure approach, it may cure a huge proportion of HIV patients. In fact, the third is a […]

Lyme disease

Lyme disease

The North American Lyme disease is a zoonotic tick-borne illness resulting from the spirochete bacteria infection called B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s) that belongs to the Borrelia genus. However, American Lyme disease infectious bacteria differs from B. afzellii and B. garinii species that cause the European borreliosis. In fact, this disease has a massive impact […]



Myopia or nearsightedness is globally concerning due to its high prevalence and incidence. In fact, more than 28.3% of the earth population are myopic, and it’s expected to reach 50% in 2050. Actually, this condition is characterized by axial length elongation (eye longer than the normal) or powerful lens, where the image of an object […]



Hyperopia is a very common refractive error affecting adults but mostly occurring in children. To clarify, it’s a condition where an object image is focused behind the neurosensory retina which leads to a blurry vision up close. So, it’s important to avoid future complications via treatment and assessment which we will mention below. What causes […]



There should always be a homeostatic balance between cell formation and cell death, and this balance is sustained by apoptosis to prevent cancer. Apoptosis is a physiological mechanism done by the cell to induce its own death. In fact, the mechanism is ATP-dependent and specific proteins mediate it. Besides, it doesn’t cause tissue inflammation, and […]

SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A comparison

The two respiratory RNA viruses, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and influenza A are at the center of pandemic outbreaks. In fact, SARS-CoV-2 causes covid-19 and influenza A causes flu. Certainly, both viruses have identical hospitalization rates, intensive care admission rates and ventilators requirement. As a result, when both shows similar symptoms, […]



Influenza virus (IV) that causes a respiratory illness for humans is basically of 3 types A, B, and C. In fact, type A (IAV) is the most concerning since it’s responsible for annual epidemics and might pose a global pandemic. Besides, IV has a high mutation and replication rate which allows it to escape medical […]

New HIV-1 variant

New HIV-1 variant

A new HIV-1 variant of subtype-B resides in the Netherlands. In fact, patients with this variant shows more obvious increase in viral load than other subtype-B cases. Also, CD4 cell count decline is twice as fast as in other subtype-B patients. Also, 30 years old patients without treatment reach 350 CD4 cells per cubic millimeter […]

Chronic venous insufficiency

chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a worldwide occurring disease. In fact, it’s prevailing in the industrialized countries due to low vitamin F intake or low fiber intake leading to constipation or abdominal pressure. In short, CVI is a disturbance in the venous flow at the level of the limbs because of incompetent valves, blockage of […]