

Omicron is a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variant. In fact, it was classified by the WHO on November 26, 2021 as the fifth variant of concern “B.1.529” originating from south Africa. Therefore, Due to its fast spreading (2 days average doubling time), only until January 8, 2022, the virus entered 115 countries […]

Drugs that treat Covid-19 discovered

covid-19 drugs

It is no longer impossible to treat Covid-19 thanks to scientists that work day and night. Treatment of severe Covid-19 infection by 2 drugs is a new discovery. A study of 7 trials done by the World Health Organization (WHO) on cases of non-severe, severe and critical covid-19 gives the world a hope to surviving […]

Covid-19 causes hiccups!

covid-19 hiccups

Covid-19 symptoms can be a box of surprises. Among the many challenging atypical issues covid-19 may cause, who thought it would also lead to hiccups. It was reported in December of 2021 that a 64-year-old man at the international medical center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia encountered relentless hiccups. Not only that, Scientists behind the case study […]

Dupuytren’s contracture

Dupuytren's contracture

Dupuytren’s contracture is a fibroproliferate disease where collagen accumulates in the palmar fascia of the hand. That is to say, It leads to the formation of cords and nodules which leaves an irreversible fixed flexion contracture of the hand. In fact, Dupuytren’s contracture is not limited to hands, it may occur in the foot sole […]

Covid-19 (coronavirus)


The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has reached more than 200 million cases causing the death of more than 4 million. However, it’s safe to say that around 80% of covid-19 patients recover without being hospitalized. On the other hand, 15% needs oxygen and 5% have the obligation for intensive care due […]

Back of neck pain

neck pain

Does the backside base of your skull give you horrible time? Back of neck pain can really stand in your way through the day, you can’t: -work -lift things -stand up much -sit But don’t worry because in this post we’ll mention ways to relief you from this burden, and ways to prevent the pain […]

HPV and smoking (women and men)

HPV and smoking

WOMEN SMOKERS AND HPV Women cervical cancer results from human papillomavirus (HPV) infection particularly the high-risk strains HPV-16 and HPV-18. However, smoking cigarette makes more possible that women HPV infection is leading to invasive cervical cancer. In fact, this hypothesis has been validated in late 2009 in a study conducted by ALTS on women smokers […]

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF)

familial Mediterranean fever (FMF)

Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an inherited auto inflammatory disease (ethnicity-specific). In fact, FMF targets the masses of the Mediterranean region such as Arabs, Armenians, Turkish, Jewish, North African, Italian and Greeks. To clarify, it is an autosomal recessive disease where the genetic mutation is at the level of MEFV gene on the short arm […]

Giant platelets

giant platelets

Normally a platelet is small of 2 to 3 micrometers in diameter, they are a-nuclear and resemble a disk. In fact, thrombopoietin and other cytokines are responsible for regulating platelets formation and development. Above all, having giant platelets is a syndrome that is either acquired or rarely inherited, it is a disorder that comes along […]

Hyperimmunoglobulin D syndrome

hyperimmunoglobulin D syndrome

Hyperimmunoglobulin D syndrome (HIDS) or mevalonate kinase deficiency belongs to the spectrum of autoinflammatory syndromes. In fact, HIDS is an autosomal recessive disease where the MVK gene encoding mevalonate kinase is mutated. To clarify, mevalonate kinase is an enzyme important for the biosynthesis of cholesterol, so it’s classified as a “metabolic” disease. Consequently, the reduction […]