The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has reached more than 200 million cases causing the death of more than 4 million. However, it’s safe to say that around 80% of covid-19 patients recover without being hospitalized. On the other hand, 15% needs oxygen and 5% have the obligation for intensive care due to severity. In fact, Covid-19 was labelled a pandemic by the WHO on 2020, march 11. Consequently, the virus has kept us in quarantine for a long time since its outbreak, leaving our mental and physical health in disorder.
Symptoms of Covid-19:
MOST COMMON SYMPTOMS | •Fever •Fatigue and body aches •Dry cough |
LESS COMMON SYMPTOMS | •Headache •Nausea and vomiting • Having no smell or taste •Blockage of the nose • Throat soreness •Sinuses burn and dizziness •Red teary eyes or “Conjunctivitis” •Joint or muscle pain •skin rashes •Diarrhea •Chills Severe symptoms: •Short breath •Chest pain or pressure •Loss of appetite •Confusion and high body temperature |
SEVERE SYMPTOMS | •Short breath •Chest pain or pressure •Loss of appetite •Confusion and high body temperature |
OTHER LESS COMMON SYMPTOMS | •Loss of consciousness •Sleep problems •Depression or anxiety •Rare neurological complications such as nerve damage, brain inflammation, strokes and delirium. |
When to seek medication:
By all means, If you have the following symptoms, do not hesitate to contact a doctor, or visit the right health clinic:
•Cough leading to shortness of breath or difficult breathing.
•Chest pain or pressure
•Speech or movement loss
How long does it take for symptoms to show?
Certainly, 5-6 days or 1-14 days on average are the days required for covid-19 to show.
Which complications of covid-19 lead to death?
Health complications associated with death while having covid-19:
•Respiratory failure, where the oxygen in the blood is sparse or has high levels of carbon-dioxide or both.
•Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Indeed, ARDS is an injury allows fluids to pass into the lungs leading to difficulty in breathing.
•sepsis/septic shock; the body response to an infection result in tissue damage.
•Thromboembolism; the blood clot (thrombus) break from one blood vessel goes to another by bloodstream.
•Multiorgan failure such as heart, liver or kidney injury
The most important treatment we can seek currently is early diagnosis of corona virus infection. In addition to, antiviral inhibitors of SARS and MERS spike proteins, neuraminidase inhibitors, anti-inflammatory drugs, EK1 peptide and chloroquine (used for malarial and autoimmune disease). Even though scientists are still working on an absolute treatment for covid_19, there exist ways to minimize the symptoms. Besides, these ways are characterized by pain killers and vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin D helps us overcome the infection.
Does antibiotics treat covid-19?
Notably, its important to know that antibiotics only apply to bacterial infections and not viral infections. Above all, if your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, it’s because covid-19 severe illness might cause complications like acquiring bacterial infections. Furthermore, in case of hypoxaemia, antibiotics can diminish the symptoms. Particularly, these antibiotics are alpha-interferon, lopinavir, along with mechanical ventilation.
-World Health Organization. (2021, May 13). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Retrieved from
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